Best Way to Lose Weight

In today's society, it is a race against time to get all of our tasks complete. From work, school, kids, and our families, it is hard to stay consistent with dieting and working out. Although difficult, the rewards are great especially when feeling confident with the body you have achieved. There are certain things the working woman can do to stay on top of things and be "super woman".

best way to loose weight

The main thing that helps save time with dieting is t have all the meals for the week prepared. The most common day that people cook and prepare their meals is on Sunday. Instead of cooking each day's meal plan individually, cooking for the entire week in one day saves time for the busy days ahead in the week. A good way to have the meals stored is having them in Tupperware and labeled for each day. This way, for each meal you would just need a few minutes to heat up the food and in no time enjoy your delicious meal.

The hardest part that women have a problem with is keeping up with workouts. Coming home from a long day of stress and work, the last thing on one's mind is to go to the gym and have a good workout. For women who cannot go to the gym many times a week and instead can fit two or three days into their schedule, the key is to bump up the intensity. Instead of five days of medium intensity workouts, you can have two or three days of high intensity routines. A good example of increasing the intensity is decreasing rest time between sets. Another good example is instead of doing one hour on the elliptical or going for a slow walk, incorporate interval training. Not only does this take a fraction of the time, but interval training increases muscle mass which therefore increases the metabolism. High intensity is killing two birds with one stone; quicker workouts and long-term calorie burning processes.

best way to lose weight

While it is hard for women to keep up with the diets and workouts, it is certainly possible. Keeping up with the high intensity workouts as well as strategically planning meals will save time and in no time you will be on your way to the body that you are working for. There is no easy shortcut, but hard work and persistence will get you to where you want to be.


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